Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Hebrews 5:11-14 and 6:1-3 during Part 1 of the Inventory sermon series, where we learned that our growth is the sum of our godly character…
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Romans 16:1-23 during Part 5 of The Simple Gospel sermon series, where we answer two questions, who are your partners, and what is your purpose?
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Romans 15:1-33 during Part 4 of the Simple Gospel: Revolutionaries sermon series, where we learned that the way we love others must be transformed by…
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Romans 11:1-24 during Part 3 of The Simple Gospel sermon series, where we learned that God chooses by grace to magnify His grace.
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Romans 8:1-17 during Part 4 of The Simple Gospel Free At Last sermon series, where we learned how the Holy Spirit not only frees us…
Pastor Seth S. Kim and Bo Zhu spoke at the City Relationship Seminar: His & Hers, where we learnt that when we embrace Christ's supremacy, we can grow in deeper…
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Matthew 13:45-46 during Part 2 of the Treasure sermon series, where Jesus becomes our treasure when we believe we are God's treasure.
Pastor Bo spoke on Psalm 90 during Part 1 of the Turning Point sermon series, where we learnt in order to turn, we have to first brake then steer.
Pastor Bo spoke on Deuteronomy 6:4-5 during Part 3 of the Living on the Edge sermon series, where we learnt that when we know God as our one king, then…
Pastor Bo Zhu spoke on Romans 1:18-32 during Part 1 of the The Simple Gospel Scandalous sermon series, where the greatest scandal as a limited creature is trying to replace…